At, 100% of the advertising revenue earned from your town stays in your town! By simply marketing goods and services at, advertisers help to support their community's local enterprise. It's a win win!

Ten percent of the total supply of pocitcoin is distributed proportionally by county to facilitate the direct purchase of business sector advertising. All ad revenue is retained and managed in county reserves and used to provide liquidity to recipients of project grants and the pocits membership.

Five ways to participate

Got a project? Register your project at to participate in our enterprise grant program. Eighty percent of the total supply of pocitcoin is distributed via grants to the personal, community or business projects of the membership - crypto know-how not required! Locally endorsed and qualified projects are evaluated and granted pocitcoin to their project's Enterprise wallet to exchange for products and services with workers and merchants, to sell peer-to-peer to sponsors, and/or to swap for other currencies via pocits-xchg.

Endorsements from people and corporations are an essential part of validating projects for grants. Endorsers are people and corporations who review, validate, recommend, sponsor, and/or advise your project. Endorser's may also participate in a project's development as a worker or volunteer.

To sponsor a specific project, residents can simply purchase pocitcoin directly from any project shopping cart and/or accept their pocitcoin as a worker or a merchant. Crypto know-how not required!

Accept tokens from projects and consumers for your products and services. Pocitcoin balances within Merchant accounts may be used for marketing within the network, to purchase products from other merchants, or swapped for other cash or crypto currencies via pocits-xchg. Crypto know-how not required.

Consult, develop, operate, or otherwise assist in any role defined by the project and earn pocitcoin. Project's can redeem their tokens for marketing at, use them to fund the purchase of goods and services from participating merchants, exchange them peer-to-peer, and may swap them for other currencies via pocits-xchg.